Revel Studio vs. JM Lab Micro BE

I have pair of Revel Studio driven by BAT VK 300x integrated.

My dealer suggested to switch new JM Lab's in order to get better result with BAT integrated. I do not have intention to change the amplifier or budget to change it.

I will highly appreciate your regarded opinion and experience on this


First, thank you all of you who shared his opinion and experience.

The problem is my budget does not allow me to step up on amplification. I thought,downsizing the speaker might bring more synergy with my integrated.

My setup;
Burmester 979
Chord Dac 64
BAT VK 300x integrated
Magnum Dynalab 100
Synergistic Designers Ref. Speakers&Interconnects

I use to have Tact RCS 2.0 & Millenium MKII. But I traded of the Tact Equipment for BAT İntegrated and am happier with it. Because BAT is much more musical than TACTs.

Contrary to the above set up, how come the delers's
4 thousand dollars budget setup with small DALI bookshelf speakers gives better sounding impression to me ?

With some reference recordings, indeed my system sounds incredible. But with most others no. I am trying to get most involving sound am curious how this dealer can get with 4k budget system .

Again, I recommend room treatment first. It is possible Studio is too powerful in a room with bass issue. Or your room could be too much echo for the revealing Studio. When you hear a 4K system in dealer's place and more impressed, the difference is the "room". I suffered room issue before and swap electronics and speakers frequently, but it turned out the best way is to fix the room. Once it if fixed, then the better components sound better, otherwise the more revealing high/bass gears always expose the problem and sound bad.
Hafler 9505 [250x2] has a very high slew rate that will optimize the Studios abilities. Retail $2k but they are discounted as low as $1400.