Revel Studios for half price?

The title is a little mis-leading.
What I'm looking for is a speaker that sounds as good, or nearly as good, as the Revel Studio, which sounds pretty amazing to me, but cost half the Studio price.

I'm about to set out to audition speakers until I find one that cost in the $3-3.5k range and can hang with the Studios.

Is there such a speaker?
Any audition recommendations?

Best Regards,

Yep, room interactions do play a MAJOR part of how good a speaker sounds. I have always told folks to allot $500-$1000 for room treatments. If you have a drill and a stapler and a pair of scissors you can keep the number well below $500 to EQ out the room properly to make the best of those speakers.

Any speaker will sound "so what" in a poor room environment, but I wouldnt use that as an excuse not to get em. I spent 2 days and $380 bucks(high frequency absorbers on all main reflection points,DIY tube trabs in the corners and to the sides of the speakers) on my "so what" room and turned it into a room far superior for a pair of floorstanders than from where I originally heard em.
Worldcat: The guy is looking for sonic characteristics of the full range Studio, not the sucked out midrange that all Aerial's(AKA generic Wilson Audio clones except for the 5B's which are excellent monitors but not full range) are known for.
Not exactly what you were asking for but I purchased a Revel Salon in 10/10 condition last year for half price on A'Gon. So if I was in Geoh's shoes I would wait until you find a Studio on sale on A'Gon.