Rogue Audio Cronus ...what speakers do you love ?

I'm currently using my wonderful Cronus integrated amp to drive my beloved Vandersteen 1C speakers (click on my "system"). Happiness is flowing all around my music room with this combination. Which speakers are you other Cronus owners using ?? What's great about what you now have ?? What are you wishing for with a speaker upgrade ??
I also have the Cronus Magnum upgrade paired with 1C's. I recently added one 2wq sub and the sound is excellent: musical, transparent; and this in a fairly compromised 12x12 den. That may be a good option for you if you are considering upgrading to 2Ces
.If you remove the unused fender power
amp/speaker from your listening room
your speakers should sound better focused.
Just by having
other speakers in the same room makes them
behave as a trap.
certain frequencies
are then affected causing compromised performance.
