Rolling Stones conceret lenght?

Anyone know how long the current Stones concerts last and who is their opening act?
Rest assured that your experiences at a Stones concert nowadays will be completely unlike what was described by Jadem6.

These days concerts held in corporate arenas sponsored by multi-national coporations and played by bands that have long sold-out to the almighty dollar will be tightly orchestrated down to the last. minute. Ask the ticket usher when the show wraps. He/she will know. That's the way it is these days. Sigh.
The last time I saw The Stones, they played almost non-stop for 4 hours. One of the best (out of hundreds and hundreds) shows I've ever seen.
4 hours? Was that in the 60s? Seriously...

They play for about 2 hours and 15 minutes.

They will go on stage around 8:30-8:45p considering a 7:00pm start for the opening act, which will wrap up the concert at 11:00pm...the normal contractual wrap time for the stage hands, lighting crew and facility.
At Dübenforf (Switzerland, near Zurich),
first time the Stones played on an airport, there was 70'000 people.
the concert last 130min.

A very good one :-)