Rolling Stones conceret lenght?

Anyone know how long the current Stones concerts last and who is their opening act?
At Dübenforf (Switzerland, near Zurich),
first time the Stones played on an airport, there was 70'000 people.
the concert last 130min.

A very good one :-)
Saw the stones last Oct or nov. Don't remember the opening act at all but they played for somewhere close to 2and a half hrs. Nonstop. Mick worked his ass off. He was all over the stage and he smoked through most of the show while he was singing. Just a little sideline. I had purchased four tickets for another couple my GF and myself. Cheap seats just happy to be in the building. We get seated in the nose bleed section then another usher tells us we have to move to the standing room section. I am almost totally blind and decided to play the disabled card(which is not normally something I do but I was pissed off since I wasn''t told the seats were SRO when I baught them)anyway they get me a maniger who I complain to saying I bet half the people in the asigned "accessable seats"are not even entitled to them. He sends me to CS and after a very nice friendly conversation including lots of sorry for the problems from the GM of the place my GF and I ended up in the third row next to the stage in the 500.00 seats. I could actually see most of what was going on on stage which never happens. It was an awesome show! Oh and to put the iceing on the cake about half way through the show my GF tells me to look at thegirl standing to my left. She is dancing and pulling up her top and bouncing all over the place. Best concert I can remember going to