Room matters

Hi team, I'd like to propose an intriguing question to the community.
What's the difference between Proac D28 and D38? Ovator S-600 and S-400? Neat MF5 and MF7? Avalon Ascendant and Indra? Gamut L5 and L7? Pioneer S1-EX and S3-EX?
The answer to all of the above questions is "none"!
It depends on the room size. Assuming to have a well balanced and top of the art electronic system, if someone wants to improve from a loudspeaker point of view there is no way in doing it unless with a bigger room, hence a bigger loudspeaker. (changing brand because of personal taste and budget is not to be cosidered).
Am I too much provocative?

Thanks for sharing your ideas.
No, the room is everything. No piece of gear can overcome it. Check out the room of the TAS editor that is up on the TAS site under his blog.
Agreed - the room is the elephant in the room - possibly why many of the regular contributing experts here will not even share a few pix. Nevertheless there are differences in speakers that are significant too.
soooo, then room correction like the technology from Tact/Lyngdorf should be able to have a positive affect on most systems?