SACD 2 channel vs Redbook 2 Channel

Are they the same? Is one superior? Are they system dependent?
With the possible exception of the TEAC D70 and P70 duo, I have had but one instance where cd is the better of sacd. Pink Floyd DSOTM. I have had some exception units, such as the Meitner DAC6, the Lindemann, and the Allen Wright Sony 9000 where the cd is much improved, but so was sacd.

I think the success of sacd indicates that all it criticism is off the mark. I know with my ears that sacd is substantially superior to cds.

On AA high res was split into dvd-a and sacd, because of the intensity of argument over which is superior. Out of curiosity when I got a Exemplar/Denon 2900 universal player I bought two dvd-a with music to my taste. I cannot stand them and will buy no more. I have been told that the older format, DAD, sounds superior to DVDA so I am going to try some of these Classic and AIX releases.
Being the owner of both a Sony SCD-1 SACD player and a Linn Sondek CD12 along with a Burmeister DAC I will have to give the nod to redbook cd's still. SACD has been a big dissapointment in my household, the few SACD discs I have picked up were no better than any of my current cd's in my collection in terms of overall sound quality and listening enjoyment, and quite a few of them I felt sounded poor in comparison to their inferior "redbook" counterparts. In fact 2 of the local hi-fi shops in the area have stopped carrying SACD players altogether due to poor sales and very mixed feelings on their true ability. Lp's and cd's are still the top 2 formats from my many hours of listening experience and will continue to be in the forseeable future. I have been intrigued by DVD-A audio and its potential but I have yet to see much interest to date. It would be nice to see this format take off.
I can see why some people might think that SACD is not a big enough improvement over Redbook CD to warrant changing formats. But having listened to both, I have a hard time understanding why people think that Redbook CDs are no improvement and that some Redbook CDs are actually better. To me SACDs generally sound significantly better, and I would be happy if they replace the now 20 years old Redbook standard.
Industry reports show strong sales of SACD players whith the European installed base having doubled from 1 million to 2 million in the last 8 months.
There are now more than 65 SACD models from 28 manufactuers available.
Several other manufactuers are introducing sacd models before the end of the year.
Super Audio players have exceeded DVD-A by a 4 to 1 margin.

This info is available at

If these are the European #'s were supposedly SACD is not popular [according to some in this thread] then just think what the U.S. #'s are.

If there is over 65 sacd models in Europe whith more on the way, then the U.S has at least that many models.