SACD 2 channel vs Redbook 2 Channel

Are they the same? Is one superior? Are they system dependent?
I can see why some people might think that SACD is not a big enough improvement over Redbook CD to warrant changing formats. But having listened to both, I have a hard time understanding why people think that Redbook CDs are no improvement and that some Redbook CDs are actually better. To me SACDs generally sound significantly better, and I would be happy if they replace the now 20 years old Redbook standard.
Industry reports show strong sales of SACD players whith the European installed base having doubled from 1 million to 2 million in the last 8 months.
There are now more than 65 SACD models from 28 manufactuers available.
Several other manufactuers are introducing sacd models before the end of the year.
Super Audio players have exceeded DVD-A by a 4 to 1 margin.

This info is available at

If these are the European #'s were supposedly SACD is not popular [according to some in this thread] then just think what the U.S. #'s are.

If there is over 65 sacd models in Europe whith more on the way, then the U.S has at least that many models.
Durham, I think you need to try newer sacd players. I have had five sacd players since my SCD-1. Each was substantially better than the Sony. I know there are mods to the SCD-1 which can substantially improve it also.
In my experience the DVD-A at best was a failed experiment, with the industry so undercutting it performance in their concern with copying as to make it unlistenable.
Wow, "Industry reports" from a "Sony webiste". Getting news from a Sony website is like reading the National Enquirer.

Sony has never grossly inflated numbers before right people?........... :yawn:

As for those Sales numbers again very misleading. The Sales numbers are purchase orders from dealerships for past and present orders(and knowing Sony, probably future orders that may or may not be filled), not the actual people who own a SACD player. I bet the number of actual people who own a SACD player numbers is in the 10's of thousands at best.

Want real info on how well SACD does? Check out the Wall Street Journal and other trade publishings. Your going to get a better picture of the real story.

People here should be rooting for DVD-A anyway. Its potential is so much greater vs. the crippled SACD format.