Samsung Hd841 or Toshiba 4960 modifications

Can anyone give me some impressions on these machines? I currently have a much more expensive player. I like the fact that these players are universal, physically much smaller than what I have, and cheap(!). There is a very positive post here on the stock player, but if it is that good, why aren't more people jumping on board. Is it that good? Or just good for the money?
OK. Let me post my impression of RAM 4960. I just got my yesterday and I am still running it 24/7. I plan to run it 7 days continually.

First, the RAM 4960 has a kind of analog sound. No way it will touch 10K+ highend CDP. But for the money it is very good that you get kind of analog sound.

Second, the reason why you get analog sound. I think this mainly due to "SuperClock3". the high is much smooth than many CDPs. It is very smooth. Superclock greatly reduced Jitter and produced very smooth and enoyable high. Violin,piano and soprano now very listenable and enjoyable. This produced an overall enjoyable listening experience across the whole frequence band.

Upper low to mid seems a little congested(I will write an update after 7 days of running to see how much improvements it gets after break in). The sound stage and imaging is not as great as highend players. I think this may due to lack of break in now. But more likely due to lowend DAC used in 4960. More open,clear and analytical in this erea will greatly improve the overall performance of this player.

Overall, it is an great improvement over stock unit. Will it beat and $10K hignend CDP? I will wait to vote after a week.
Thank you for this update, Audiosu! Hope that the player continues to sound better and better as it breaks in. Wish you good luck with it for the long term.

One question I have, if you please? I have a stock Samsung HD-841 that I will eventually mod, and the low frequency performance of the machine leaves more than a lot to be desired. I was hoping that this would be a major focus of the modders and an area of significant improvement. Can you please let us know what you think of your player's bass performance?

Thank you in advance,
the bass tightens up and becomes much more articulate. wooly and untamed before mods. i have the toshiba (non-RAM modded).
I think your experiences were better than mine, Musicdoc. With my Samsung in CD mode, I would have been happy were it wooly and untamed. It was more nonexistent for me. SACD is much better, though still not up to the level I consider acceptable. My hope is with a seriously beefed up power supply and output, it then competes with most digital players.