Schiit Yggdrasil -- 21 bit?

Schiit says that Yggdrasil is a 21 bit DAC. But the DAC chips that they put in the device ( Analog Devices AD5791BRUZ, 2 per channel) are 20 bit with the error of plus-minus 0.5 LSB.

How can the DAC be 21 bit if the chips are 20 bit? Using two chips per channel does reduce the RMS voltage of the noise by  a square root of 2. But how can you get to 21 bit from there?

Can someone please explain.
Sorry, my error, Correction:  Robert Harley, editor in chief of the Absolute Sound magazine. He also wrote The Complete Guide to High-End Audio.
+1 Almarg - I agree that the statement in the link is rather ambiguous. It isnt clear if it really is greater resolution from the greater bit depth of an additional bit or just a higher signal per bit but still 20 bits...

Summing 20 bits + 20 bits is still 20 bit levels as it is simply double the voltage value per bit compared to a single 20 but DAC chip.
2^20 = 1048576
2* (2^20) = 2* 1048576
2097152 = 2097152
2^21 = 2097152
Awful lot of people obsessing here over measurements, one could almost mistake this for the Stereo Review website. Whatever happened to relying on A/B comparisons for what sounds better...
Awful lot of people obsessing here over measurements, one could almost mistake this for the Stereo Review website. Whatever happened to relying on A/B comparisons for what sounds better...

Plenty of folks myself included that certainly perform A/B comparisons. Nevertheless, obsessing or not, objective measurements certainly do matter.