SDS question

Hello friends,
I was checking my turntable speed today using my KAB speed strobe and found that my table was running quite slow. I had the VPI SDS calibrated at 59.85hz and I thought I had the speed perfect. Today, I needed to adjust it to 60.03hz to get it dead accurate again.
What might cause such a big change to have to be made? I was wondering if it might be the weather (it has turned cold recently here in Chicago)?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
OK...I forgot belt slipage. I am a DD guy where the speed of the platter is the same as the motor, and the motor is exact. I really don't think that there should be any belt probably need a new belt.
Thanks for all the responses. I lubricated the bearing with white lithium grease about 6 months ago, so I should be good there.
The belt is the original belt so it is about 3 years old. Time for a change?
The motor is also original, and it does seem a tiny bit noisier than it was 3 years ago. How long should a motor be expected to last?
Actually, I was wondering if the how much an acrylic platter would expand/contract with temperature changes. Is this a possibility? The room containing my TT gets very cold when I'm not home and the heat is off.
You could try boiling the belt for about a minute, then re-talc'ing it. That's what VPI recommends should be done every year. If that doesn't work a new replacement isn't much.

..just for your information. When my Superscoutmaster needed oil it made a ch,ch,ch,sound. When I called Harry, he said it needed oil and is sending some to me
Hello, Your Motor should last considerably longer than 3 years. And I also doubt your house is getting that cold, that it's affecting-changing Platter Diameter.

I have thought I once read a post, where VPI themselves had recommended a drop of Oil where the Motor Shaft meets the Motor Housing. A call to your Dealer, or VPI themselves will know. If your Dealer in Chicago was MusicDirect, Bes Nivera will also know as well.

Three years is a bit of a stretch (pun intended of course! lol) for your Belt. I recommend getting a new one. Belt Slippage is tough to actually see, but your SDS may be confirming this.

Lastly, doubtful if Voltage has went down in the Chicago-land area this time of year. Usually, it's the Summer, where the miilions of AC Units are running across the City, thus slightly lowering Voltage at the Mains. Hope this helps. Mark