Seeking $15,000.00 speaker to replace Quad 988's

My system consists of Thor Audio TPA 150 el-34 tubed monoblocks, a Thor TA-2000 premamp with phono(tubed),
Cary 306/200 which I use as a transport and Thor Audio DC-1000 tubed Dac, VPI scoutmaster turntable with a clearudio discovery cartridge, Richrad Gray power conditioner, an Audio Physics
Minos Subwoofer and a pair or Quad 988's.
Quad positives:Great for piano, voice and small groups such
as chamber music. With a voice or piano you swear the piano or voice was in your room.
Quad negatives:Bass does not extend low enough.
No illusion of an entire orchestra on stage. The Quads shrink the musical presentation. Lacking in dynamic contrasts. They also soften many instruments. For instance the tambourines in Tchaikovsky's Capriccio Italien instead of sounding sharp like in a dynamic speaker, they sound
rounded out and softened.
My issue: I am told that only an electrostatic can deliver the clarity that a Quad can deliver. I have looked into the Sound Labs but even with their new impedance modification I do not think my amps can drive them.
Will a speaker like a Vandersteen 5A, Kharma 3.2 give me the clarity of the Quads with the dynamic contrasts, and
the illusion of 90-100 people on a stage and not 10. I know I'm asking for a lot but I don't want to replace the Quads and take a few steps backwards in doing this. The Quads have lived with me for over 1 and 1/2 and they do some amazing things, but is there more for the approximate price guideline I have suggested.? I guess as a music lover and audiophile you are always searching for that additional something. Has anybody out there found someting that might work with my sysytem that gives me that
something more?
Sorry to interject. I used to own and auditioned various speakers over the last 15 years (ML-CLS, quad 988 and its bigger sibling, Soundlabs, Apogees, Maggies, Aerial 20T, Mirages, Von Sch., Watt puppies, Innersounds, Martin Design and Kharmas etc). But the only speaker that just made me sit and enjoy the music and not listen for "audiophile sound characteristics" were the new Hyperion HPS938s - at a Hifi show of all the places! Some speakers may dazzle you with their transparency or dynamics, but these speakers for the first time for me combined the transparency of stats/ribbons with startling dynamics of conventional design. And boy, can they throw a stage. There was a guy who got rid of his Wilson Watt Puppies for these - there's a minireview on Audiogon. I was so impressed, I bought them based on what I heard at the show. Hyperion is a new company so the reliability and customer support are unknown, but the speakers are worth the risk given its incredible price. They are 90db efficient, present a benign 6 ohm load, and freq response is 30 Hz to 22 KHz. They have very unique driver design. I'm waiting for my pair to come in - the US stock sold out after the Hifi show. Give them a try. I can't see anyone regretting it.
Hi Hammy,

Somewhere I missed the original poster saying that the new system had to pass the "wife committee". : )

Although all my girlfriends seem to like the stacked Sub set up. I guess it is all in how it is presented.

The sound is truly "HUGE, Real, and Breathtakeing". I think that is what is sought.
Dracule, I am really interested in hearing the Hyperions. It seems everyone that has heard them has been extremely impressed, regardless of price !

Pardon me for being the skeptic (and this is not directed specifically at Hyperion), but do any of you "CES experienced guys" question whether all of the speakers demo-ed at CES are the actual stock variation that the manufacturers ultimately ship?

Maybe I am being too cynical, but it seems to me that it would be really easy to demo a hot-rodded speaker with the best of the best parts and cabinet design for show purposes and then ship a different speaker than the one that was demo-ed at the show. If and when a few owners complained, the manufacturer could easily chalk-up the less than stellar "real world" results to room interaction or break-in issues.

Just a question, not an indictment.
Summitav, you are LUCKY not to have the "wife-test" to pass. I'd have echo busters in my Living room if I didn't. One thing you'll find out though; that easy-going girlfriend suddenly has very strong opinions once you are married.