Senior Audiophiles - Audiophile since the 60-70's?

How many Senior (true) Audiophiles do we have here since the 70's or prior?

What was your favorite decade and why?

What are your thoughts of the current state of Audio?

Would you trade your current system for a past system?
Like many others, I would not trade my current system for any I had before. Even though I started listening to the Beatles when we lived in Germany before they came to the states, my favorite time frame is from '67-'77. I started high school in '69 & began hanging out at the local audio shop to learn about audio gear. The reason this is my favorite decade is both the coming of age & the last two years of this time frame, as explained next.

From '76-'77 I ran sound for a rock band & there's nothing like having your own "live" stereo system. That's how I felt when running the board. I'll never be able to duplicate that sound or the feeling. It's more than a Rick pounding your chest or the licks from a Les Paul running through a Marshall head. The Orange was pretty cool too. I was always amazed that these guys, as well as many other musical talents, could produce such wonderful music.

So my final answer's about the music. Having nice gear is a plus.

My answer about the current state of audio (gear) is that it's really very good but a lot of it is very overpriced. Then again I can remember when a $5,000.00 car was top of the line. The current state of audio in regards to music is that most of the music that most of the people hear is commercialized. I used to laugh (quickly turned into a groan) when a local radio station touted itself as album rock saying it went deeper into the album than the other stations. It was all the same. I stopped listening to the radio & sold all my tuners. I have a receiver in the garage for background music but mostly listen to the radio when I travel. I've found the small college stations & independents that don't have corporate sponsorship play the best selection of music I've ever heard. It's just like it was when I was younger. If you hear a great tune on the radio you go buy the album, or if your buds play it for you or recommend it you go out & buy it. I still see that happening, although the recommendations are from people like you who have a wide & varied background & provide the info via the net. As far as I'm concerned, you can never get too many musical recommendations.
All you youngsters make me feel REALLY old. I co-owned a record store while in college in the late '40s, got into components iun the 50s (Collaro changer, Bogen DB-20 amp, Revere R-R tape deck, University 620l speakers, the first Harman Kardon tuner, etc), went to solid state, went back to tubes and am now making the move to SET amps. Sources in my curent system include vinyl (of course), R-R tape, SACD, CD, cassettes and tuner. Oh, and 78 rpms too. Great hobby, isn't it?
I thank all the posters so far, and hope there are more in this category; I read your responses with great interest, twice.

One pattern rings true throughout these posts, most believe music was “better”, for the most part, before the 1980’s. If I think back to that time, there was far less of a variety at that time as well, at least it seems to me.

I also feel that when most of us were just getting into it, we just enjoyed music, never knowing much of the difference in sound. It seems, possibly, that becoming an audiophile can take some of the fun out of enjoying music. Most mention that they prefer their current setup, but almost unanimously have fond memories of some early system they just had fun with. What is interesting, as mentioned, everyone prefers their current system but chose a past decade as their favorite, there were a few exceptions.

Slipknot1, your comments are very interesting to me. I had mentioned in the thread “Your personal amp evolution”, that I had a little Denon integrated years ago that I really enjoyed; I sold it and went into separates for over a decade, nothing against separates, then in 2000 I went to a No. 383 and I like using this amp a lot, just as I did with the Denon. Like all of us, I start thinking of moving up the chain, but I question if it I will really be any happier.

Jimyyork, you mentioned your current system is your best ever but didn’t say if your third wife is the best? 
I refuse to accept that I am a senior. Period. Full stop. The end. Best decade? Way back when people were not so neurotic about a record player. Bring back consoles, have the whole damn thing hard wired, listen to the music, and let's stop the craziness about cables, synergy, sun spots and everything else in the Universe affecting what we actually hear out of those speakers. Do you know how many miles of ordinary cable are used in the recording process? I love the folks who are of the Linn-type persuasion and firmly believe that the source is of paramount importance, since you can't improve anything further down the line. The source starts at the microphone, not the tt. or cdp. Yeah a Telefunken console, those were the days... From the mid-fi trenches, good day.
at age 56 and gone through analog to digital it has been a true roller coaster ride. i now own all linn ,not to sponsor, the 70's for me was the best in music , believe that today's manufactuers have aviously gotten better, i remember the old advent speakers and phase linear amps,etc. they should sounded great those's still about the music and recording has upscaled and that is good. certainly interested to where computer programming is going in the future in streaming and will manf. get involved to bring computer disk together with audio , real audio sound. thanks for listening....the 70's in music and old hafler,vandersteen,linn tables,are true legends.