Should Class A Amps be left on??

Ok- Audiogon members need some advice here. Should Solid State Class A Amps be powered all the time? Have heard two school of thoughts on this. Apparently from what I have heard this is a moot question for Class A/B amps due to the usual low biasing of A/B Amps. From what I have been to learn so far Class A Amps should be left continously on.
After reading all the threads posted I agree that leaving the amp on is the way to go sonically. I have a Audible Illusions S-120 and it sounds great when left on. However I would like to turn the tube pre(AE-3 Cary) off to keep the Sylvania's in top shape. My question is how do I turn the pre off while not damaging the amp. Dosen't the amp need to see a load while on? Many thanks.
South43, be REALLY CAREFULL when you turn on the preamp. I know a gentlemen, damage his speakers because he left the power amp on, and turn of the pre the way you do. When you turn on the pre the load will goes through the power amp and out to your speakers. I damage my speakers twice because the power disrupted.
From "Audio Power Amplifier Design Handbook" 2nd ed. by Douglas Self page 362 final paragpraph:

"Readers of hi-fi magazines are frequently advised to leave amplifiers permanently powered for optimal performance. Unless your equipment is afflicted with truly doubtful control over its own internal workings, this is quite unnecessary. (And if it is so afflicted, personally I'd turn it off now) While there should be no real safety risk in leaving a soundly constructed power amplifier powered permanentley, I see no point and some potential risk in leaving unattended equipment powered; in Class-A mode there may of course be an impact on your electricity bill."
No offense Ezmeralda, but Doug Self can listen to his system how he wants. Regardless of who has how many books published, his thoughts and opinions on the subject are simply that, his thoughts and opinions. Personally, i think that he is FAR more hung up on measuring things than to listening to them. Personally, i do not know how well his designs work, as i've never used, heard or even seen one of them.

I suggest that one try leaving the system powered up and listening as you normally would. One should obviously take precautions when leaving the system unattended, but one should do that anyway. If you don't notice any difference after a few days ( at least 72 hours of continuous power ), then go back to powering it up and down as needed. Nothing lost except for a small amount of electricity and a few pennies.

My findings are that very richly biased AB amps and those that truly are Class A sound best after 2 - 3 days of continuous power. Amps of low bias AB design or models using some type of switching supply typically sound as good as they are going to get after a half an hour or so.

As far as tubes go, i would put preamps into standby mode and leave them on. Tube power amps should be powered down and fired up as needed unless the system is used most of the time.

Obviously, these are only suggestions based on past experience, just like those of Mr Self's. Sean