Should I eliminate my preamp?

I have been using my Audio Research tube preamp and Bryston amp to drive Magnepan speakers for years. Recently I added a Oppo blue ray player to my system and connected directly to my amp using the balance cables. The reason was to eliminate the signal having to go through another piece of equipment before it hits the amp. Am I wrong or what am I missing?
Nice post George.  You figured out all the specs of my system. And as I put my system together I tried to do as much of that as I could.  I wondered about capacitance of my cables, input sensitivity of my amp and so on. I think it payed off.
The dac I use in my main system is a moon 300d. It has a bigger power supply than the 100d I use to use. I did not have that on my virtual system. I just went on their and updated it since you mentioned it. Thanks.
Now the sound I hear is not a night and day difference. But easily noticeable for me, which means it may not be for someone else not familiar with my system. The difference for me was in not just hearing the music but feeling it a little more. I think it is the actual air pressure. Like when a vocalist gets their mouth close to a mic and you feel the air pressure of their voice a little more through the sound system that is being used. And I am talking about just a little more. Anyway I think people would enjoy a passive more if they make a passive friendly system.  Maybe my experience doing this help's someone a little.
They do say the VH First has a sound of it's own, and is not neutral. Maybe what you heard is just that with the 1/2mt, less of it's house sound getting closer to neutral.

Cheers George
I have two different Stax Electrostatic headphone systems.  My Stax SRD7SB/Lambda system is driven directly by my Rega Osiris integrated using an OPPO 205 by a half meter pair of MG Audio Design ballanced interconnects.  I have also added a one foot pair of MG Audio Design speaker wires between the Rega Osiris and the connecting wires of the Stax SDR7SB box for added fidelity.  My other Stax system is an SMR1-MKII/Lambda hooked up by again MG Audio Desgn single ended interconnects to the record out single ended outputs of my Audio Research LS 27 preamp.  Bothe systems, even though the Stax units are all about 35 years old but I have a sound reproduction from both of them can compete favoribly with much of these current top end regular headphone based systems.  Of course if I had the latest top of the line Stax headphone system and could run them into my LS27 ballanced it would be another story.  Oh yes, I use an OPPO 105 for my Audio Research LS27 system, which I use on my Martin/Logan speaker system.  The Audio Research/Stax SMR1-MKII total tube headphone system verses the complete solid based Rega Orisis.Stax SRD7SB systems both have different pluses and minuses>  Overall I prefer solid state 160 watts per channel Stax/Rega sytem for rock and roll, with the tube based Audio Research/tube based Stax system for everything else.  
I do have a question regarding passives . The pot used in the SM Pro Nano patch I use I assume costs a few bucks . Would say a Alps volume pot have a different sound ? I would assume all passives should have a similar sound . Is there a way to alter the sound with a passive be it with different interconnects or like I mentioned different brands of pots?

The interconnect cable is going to make a bigger difference than the pot that is used. However, as the value of the pot used is increased, its quality becomes more audible. If using a 10K pot, the ALPs will work fine. You might want to run a nicer part if using a 100K part.

If your source is solid state, 10K is probably a safe value. If using tubes, check with the manufacturer, but often 50K will do the job.