Should I keep around my NAD 3155?

Here is my current system:
NAD 3155 integrated
Thorens TD 145 (with Denon 110)
Gallo Due speakers + Gallo Subwoofer

I enjoy it hugely, especially the Thorens, but I'm wondering if I'd benefit from upgrading the integrated. I'd prefer not to spend more than $1,000. Should I consider upgrading or should I just stay put?

I see here posted on Agon - a Sumo Elektra preamp with a very decent MM/MC phono stage. Add the B&K ST-2020 amp held here on auction and you have a very respecible set up for the money. I'm sure there are many other combo's via what's posted on Agon others can suggest. Buying used offers the best bang for the buck assuming you research and shop carefully. I acquired a B&K MC101 preamp for $275 and a Monarchy Audio SM-70 amp (original version)for around $350. Very happy with the combo.
Best wishes.
Thanks for the suggestions. I should've been clearer with my needs. I do have to stick with an integrated, for space reasons. Also, iPod listening is not a consideration. I listen at reasonably low levels, so power is only an issue insofar as it will boost sound quality.
I would think one of the Italian Audio Analogue integrated
amps would be a real step up.
Also, they are quite small.