Should I recap my speakers? If so who can do it?

Would y'all recap? Mirage M1. they can't be moved. Can I just remove the necessary parts and ship that?

I actually meant doing the whole thing yourself. You can get replacement caps on Madison for one. I can't remember the name of the place where I  used to buy them, but I think Madison has a lot of brands.
I would be willing to do the work in terms of building a new crossover board with the right parts based on your sonic goals.   I can walk you through removing the old and installing the new board. Contact me if interested. I do this as a business now that I am retired.  Very reasonable fees. Done many. 
I just looked at this speaker. The board is loaded with cheap electrolytic caps and the film caps used were also not of high quality. With all those electrolytic caps a new board with 100%  film caps would be quite large and may not fit back into the space in the bottom of the speaker. The job can be pretty involved depending on your goals.  

What are are your goals sound quality wise? I assume the speakers are working properly right now? Any blown tweeters?