Should this forum have a warning label?

Answered an out of date thread as shown below, and then got curious about what general opinion would be from a wider audience.

You've reminded me of the macro issue. This I think is an interesting and useful forum, but it is biased by the folks who profit from the sale of all things audiophile (moderators) & if you are hunting for Trolls it is probably the most target rich environment on the internet.
The combination of strong financial interests creates a bias toward "True Believers" & a lot of folks are encouraged to throw dollars at fringe products that are of dubious value.
In interest of open and unbiased communication, should there be a disclaimer in the banner on the forum topics list?
Tvad - good question, maybe something simple just to help out the newbie. "Forum discussions may be intentionally or unintentionally biased by the financial interests of Audiogon or some of its members".
The wordsmithing could use help, but something basically along those lines.
Others - thank you for your thoughts!
Audiogon - Thanks for allowing the thread.
Plato - We are only paranoid becausee everyone is trying to cheat us :). Else, I think you make a great point.
Jeff, honestly, I believe most Audiogon users, including newbies*, are smart enough to know that internet discussion forums are filled with great advice, suspect advice, informed advice, misinformed advice, facts, opinions, buyers and sellers looking for a good deal, and buyers and sellers looking to rip someone off. Other than the disclaimer you propose or a revised version never being adopted by Audiogon because of the likelihood of scaring away potential buyers and/or sellers, the idea of posting a warning seems too much like Big Brother unnecessarily protecting the innocent from themselves. I suppose I'm Libertarian in this regard, and I'm tired of our lives being dictated by rules and disclaimers intended to prevent lawsuits from those who should know to keep the gasoline away from the bonfire.

I'm glad you asked the question.

I vote for no disclaimer.

*I remember that I discovered Audiogon as a newbie when I did a Google search for a specific product and Audiogon came up as a featured site. Anyone familiar with internet searches knows that featured links are advertisements, and therefore commercial ventures.
DISCLAIMER : Enter forum at your own risk, inside you may be infected by a disease that man has not found a cure for !!!
While we are at it let's put a label on the cereal box that says "Caution: No swimming until cereal has been digested." It's just like parents that are over protective of their kids. If you are spending thousands of dollars on this site without really knowing what you are getting, or not understanding that there is some sort of risk involoved, you need not have access to the internet.

I'm strongly against a disclaimer on this forum.