Silver or copper cables?

I was curious on everyone elses preference on cables I prefer silver but that is just me. Which do all of you prefer? I would be interested in brad pitt's response hahaha!
cornfed - Name calling is not a persuasive form of argument. People resort to it when they have nothing valid to say.
stevemj: gee, thanx for your recocognition of the importance of manners. sorry, but it is you who have nothing valid to say. and, gosh, if i called you a whore inappropriately, i do, i do, most sincerely apologize. guess i shoulda said you're a pimp. and, yeah, i can prove that scientifically but i'll need to see all of your bank statements for the past 5 years. please send me a private email to obtain the address to which to send them.
Wow fellas calm down I did not start this thread with this intention, though it is interesting. Just the facts ma'am or maybe just the opinions.
As usual with audio a shortage of opinions and emotions is not a problem. Back to the discussion about silver and copper. I didn't mention earlier that I talked with a transformer manufacturer in Las Vegas at the CES and he builds silver and copper transformers. I asked him about his opinion on the matter we are attempting to discuss . He personally didn't think that he could hear a difference, but there were scientific reasons for some to hear a difference. He said his hearing was not very good so that may be the reason for not hearing a difference, but that silver does contain one more free electron in the structure compared to copper. He explained further details I don't recall, but felt there could be REAL reasons for difference. Listen to Kimber PBJ and KCAG. Vast difference in sound. Which is better? Only your ears know. Cables all come in varying capacitance, inductance, and resistance. Like it or not, they change the flavor of music and add, subtract, or change little of the signal. I have built countless speaker cables, and interconnects from silver, copper, stranded and solid. I can make a cable sound sweet and tube like or thin, bright and agressive just by the design and material choice. Pick your flavor...Jeff
Jandi - You fail to mention why one wire sounds better than another. Is it the unmeasurable difference in harmonic distortion? Is it the umeasurable difference in frequency response? Is it the unmeasurable difference in IM distortion? If I were to use tubes of salt water for my speaker wires, would it give the sound a a watery wavy quality?