Simon Yorke turntables-audiophile best value?

Are they really that good? I hear praise from all directions. Has anyone compared them to other great tables?
Just one of many great turntables sorry Syntax.Everyone likes somthing Black and heavy thats what i like.Simon Yorke is great table as well.Many people like TW ACUSTIC as well.Whatever you have beats digital anyway.
Every one Likes Something Black And Heavy??? I guess EBM speaks for everybody... If preconceived audiophile notions as to what is the pinnacle of design to recreating a musical experience is big black and heavy... well, we are in alot of trouble. Its a good thing that most Yorke owners spend more time listening to music than surfing the internet and justifying their investment.
IM relly sorry i got on this thread i just meant TW ACUSTIC is another Great table. Please lighten up.Thanks tone music audio a dealer sorry again.