Slow Down, You Move too Fast

Hello Again,

It's been a while and nice to be creeping back in to the game!

My system has sat pretty still for a while and some recent changes have made it a bit lean and quick. The most recent culprit are MG Audio planus III speaker wire. Amazing detail and extension. And fast. A bit too fast for my system: I initially loved them, and still really appreciate their attributes, but these old dog's ears got tired.

So, I am looking to slow things down into a more of a comfy zone.
I am thinking of new speaker cable and perhaps a set of interconnects and could use some insights...

The speaker cables that look good to me are:
-Tara Labs, the One or Two +/-EX
-Purist Audio Venusta
-Kubala Sosna Emotion

The Interconnects are the same-ish. I try one instead of one of my Gabriel Gold Infusions:
-Tara Labs, the One or Two +/-EX
-Purist Audio Venusta
-Jade Audio Hybrid Gold

Is that too much for one thread?

Looking forward to batting it about.

Enjoy the tunes!

And, thanks.
@Audiolabrynth There you are! Shazam, right on time! Laughing is such a good thing to's hard to measure the benefit, but I know it's substantial for me. And remembering to take a deep breath several times a day.

I think you CAN help, re: speaker cables-2, 2EX, or 1's? The Tara people recommended the 2....I think because of my over resolution issue. But, I think I can further adjust that upstream. There are 2's and 2ex's on Agon now in good lengths for me......but if the One is the 1, I can wait.

Thank you, sir!
Hey Art, I can't help you with the difference between The 2, The 2 EX and The One, as I've never really compared them side by side against each other. I have used The 2 and The One interconnects in series, but not comparing one against the other. I can't imagine there is too much difference in tonal balance, though I'm sure that I will be told differently. ;) Welcome to the circus!!

I think your overall chance of finding a warm Tara Labs cable is about as good as finding a revealing Purist Audio, Jade Audio or Kubala Sosna cable though. I do think that knowing your tastes, you would find the K-S Emotion cables too warm for you.

I've owned the Jade Vermeil and the Hybrid, I never heard the Reference. Though I think the more gold that Jade uses, the warmer and slower the pace is. He uses gold plated silver in the Vermeil, and IMHO that is the quickest and liveliest Jade cable that I have heard. His Hybrid is all gold on the positive leg, and gold plated silver on the negative leg. It was richer, warmer and more colorful than the Vermeil. I believe that Jade is using all gold in the Reference, so it is probably even richer, warmer, and slower than the Hybrid. If that's any help.
Of teh ones I've tried, DNM Reson ICs seem to get it most right for me and for reasonable cost.
Hi Budburma, If I may ask, can you list the equipment you are useing and room dimensions, I believe all of us here may be an asset to you.

@ Jmcgrogan2 Gotcha' and am in agreement. Maybe kickback warm would work. Lak is selling some Vermeils...I wonder how they compare to the Moontails as the new Jade entry level. Does the Vermeil suffer from any loss of resolution and detail compared to the Hybrid? Or does the Hybrid more enrich the mids/midbass and and warmth? I have hear the Hybrid and Reference and preferred the Hybrid for the reasons you cite. It also makes me think of some Vermeil speaker cable!
@ MapmanThe DNM's have been around and always looked interesting. I haven't heard them as they are hard to get on this side of the big pond and resale might be tough....
@ Audiolabyrinth Thank you, my system is up to date here on Audiogon. My room is my living room and definitely not optimal, but a nice place to sit with paintings, books and a persian rug. The room is 15x18 with almost 10 ft ceilings 1895 Victorian with a bay window at one end and open French doors on the other....home sweet home. I often wish for another 1000sf so I could have an office and a listening room, but we are cozied up in 1850sf total and our rooms multitask!