Small Bedroom Tube Amp

Hi all!  Does anyone have a good recommendation for a small reliable tube or warmer solid state amp for the bedroom?  Would be match it with smaller bookshelf speakers, haven't decided which ones yet.  I want to mellow out music when putting the little one to sleep.

I have my eye on the TubeCube 7, seems small and efficient but want to make sure there aren't any better alternatives.

@freediver "eziggy Iook at the Q Acoustics speakers..Fairly easy to drive,inexpensive & KILLER reviews!"

Wow, they do have some amazing reviews.  Any first hand experience?  They look pretty small as well.
@vinylvalet "I really like this one which includes a very good sounding headphone output..."

Really interesting, I like the fact that this and mp-301 have a headphone amp as well.  Would be nice to have both functionality. 

eziggy OP
  Small Bedroom Tube Amp

This Japanese guys amps sound great not much to look at, but they have the goods, he can make or you can make, he's been going for at least 15 years and has a big following, very cost effective also

Cheers George