Small room Speaker suggestions

I am looking to get a another pair of speakers for my
dedicated room(closet to some). My room is 11'7" x 10'x7'6"
there are no options what so ever to change rooms. I have a fairly decent system with VPI Scout/DV20XH AES PH-1 PHONO and AES AE-1 Preamp. Amps are Kora Cosmos 100W Class A monos. The room is Treated fairly well already. Music taste's vary from classical, Jazz and some rock. Preference is towards nuetral with soundstage and focus priority over Freq extremes. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
Oh yeah Price range $1500-2000 used or new.
single driver,
doesn't need to be played L O U D to sound alive!
can be placed flat up to the wall
increadable detailed sound
Carolina Audio JTM's
I am extremely happy with my Totem Arros in a 9x11x8 listening room! I highly recommend them!
ERA Design 4 (699) or 5 (899) monitors would work nicely in your small room, and fit into the lower end of your budget. I compared the Design 4 against a pair of Totem Rainmakers driven by Sim Audio separates. The Rainmakers throw a slightly larger soundstage, however the Rainmaker's highs are not as natural sounding as the Design 4's, and the bass has more of a ported sound compared to the more solid bass of the Design 4. The Design 4 also has a more focused soundstage. The ERA Design speakers were designed by Michael Kelly of Arial Acoustics. Build quality is excellent btw. I'm considering the Design 5 and matching center for my HT.
Thanks for all of your suggestions. Although my chioce was not one of your suggestions it got me looking at speakers from sources other than the big guys and big prices. I decided to try a pair of Usher compass series
RW-729. After heavy break-in these have proven to be much better in my room with my sytem then the beloved maggy 1.6s. I will try to do a proper review shortly on these.
Again thanks for your suggestions.
