Smooth treble is NOT rolled off. Smooth is a perfect term for the phenomena. Smooth means it is 'not jagged' thus it is clear, precise, and more exactly what the original sound was.
I can most easily hear it on a good soprano recording. Some sopranos have a silky sheen on top of the voice. (Sinead O'Connor is one, Emma Kirby another)
Smooth treble will reproduce this exactly. not-smooth treble will make them sound edgy, scratchy, as if they have a slight sore throat.
I can most easily hear it on a good soprano recording. Some sopranos have a silky sheen on top of the voice. (Sinead O'Connor is one, Emma Kirby another)
Smooth treble will reproduce this exactly. not-smooth treble will make them sound edgy, scratchy, as if they have a slight sore throat.