So what is the best speaker you have ever owned?

I would like to know what the best speakers in any system that you have owned personally, not just listened. Specifically, what characteristics made it better than anything else? (imaging, bass, dynamic range, smoothness, size, looks, distortion, how it moves air, price, etc.)
thanks, Nita
The Sound Lab A-1 was easily the best, AND most musical speaker I've owned.
They are everything that the 'glowing reviews' claim them to be.
The latest blurb on Sound Labs' site says that oftentimes, they're called the 'storm speaker' as they can reproduce everything from the sound of raindrops to thunder. I can unhesitatingly agree with this.
But, what can't be overlooked, is their nuance within the harmonic structure of music. That lilting quality of a female voice, the air around the mouthpiece of an alto sax player like Desmond and his #4 1/2 reed that's been clipped. (Making it a virtual popcicle stick in thickness, OMG how'd he do that?)
The snap of a snare with the springs losened, the impact of the bass drum, tympani, triangle--Lucia Micarelli's full bodied violin in it's lower register.
The magic that is music resides within these speakers.
My personal favorite that I've ever owned...

Can you tell us what you like about the Mirage OMD's
Courious as I have never had the chance to them.
PSB Synchrony Ones, I still have fond memories of my Klipsch Fortes that I owned in the 80's!
I'd love to audition KEF 207/2's,but thats probably not going to happen living in Ft.Worth.