Solid State amp with wide soundstage

So I bought a tube amp for a project and fell in love with the elbow room tubes give each musician. Unfortunately, because I listen to a lot of electronic music, the amp just doesn't give me the slam in the low end and the detail up top that I love. So please recommend a solid state amp that gives the best, widest soundstage. Budget $1000 used. Speakers Revel M20s.

I wanna throw in my own amp. The 8002 Aragon. This amp is a sleeper. Check out its reviews on When set up right, this amp beats 8008 and most amps quadruple its price. I got a VD powercord hooked up to it.
Threshold or Forte both Nelson Pass designs. Can get both a PreAmp and Amp that will be in your budget. And to be quite candid Nelson Pass has forgotten more about pure solid state design than other designers will ever remember. His white paper on Cascode design set a bench mark for solid state design. In my opinion stay away from the later Threshold/Forte with IGBT technolgy. The IGBTs are no longer made.