Solid state "backup" amp recommendation

Too hot to run my BAT VK-75SE all day on weekend during summer, like to have a solid state amp to fill that job instead. Will be a "backup" amp to my BAT, so can't spend a fortune on it. Budget can be $1k to $2.5k, it's a big range I know. Another criteria is XLR input so I don't need an adaptor.

Have tried Pass X-350, Rowland 8TiHC, McCormack DNA-2 Deluxe, Accuphase P-450, Levinson 331, Forte 4A and many others in the past, favorite was Forte for its musical and tube like sound especially considering its price. But I would like a little more power not to mention something newer for peace of mind.

Amps I am considering, Pass X-250, BAT VK-200/500, Classe CAM-200. What will you vote for? I am leaning toward Pass. Anything else I should consider?
"However if you have an extremely difficult load you're stuck with solid state or digital."

The CAT JL amps are neither solid state nor digital and they drive difficult loads incredibly well. Unfortunately they can increase the room temp by 5-8 degrees in the course of a few hours.

"I can't imagine why you'd want to have a superior amp for half the year and an inferior amp the other half."

I Can! There are many times I want to have the music playing for several hours but not be solely dedicated to just the music. This keeps the replacement of output power tubes less frequent AND keeps the room a lot cooler as well for such times. No need to double my electric bill to drive powerful amps and the A/C for casual listening.

I have found the Counterpoint SA or NPS hybrid amps to be a perfect fit as a backup amp to the CAT amps. I tried the H20 stereo amp and the Counterpoint was far more dimensional and musical.
Despite Counterpoint amps being hybrid or fully solid state they tend to run as hot as tube ones.