Something looks weird about this auctions?

I was just looking at around the net and stumbled upon this auctions on ebay that have their descriptions taken from Audiogon adds word for word and picture by picture.
Check this links,

Auctions by the seller on ebay

Same exact Dynaudio speaker pictures and description on Agon

Same pass labs X350 add description on Agon

Same McIntosh MA6500 description and picture on agon

I'm sure the legit sellers on Agon are probably not aware that their add are being copied.Now if this seller on ebay doesn't smell fishy I don't know what is? Buyer beware.
If ya'll would like some enlightening info about ebay try interesting.
This crook has more ads in Ebay. He's now including some personal statements in each of his ads to make it appear more legit, but if you look at the price for these items, it's really hard to swallow.
You know, it almost looks like someone is intentionally trying to get caught and/or is playing a joke. I mean, Madrid, UK on the heels of Barcelona, UK. Either that or incredibly sloppy or ill-informed with respect to geography. Seemingly out of character for someone who otherwise thought up this scheme.

Given the geography problems, it is amazing that anyone would bid on this stuff.
The guys from Spain now have a website. They now require a Moneygram wire transfer because of new restrictions imposed by Western Union.
Here's another ebay suspicious auction

I emailed them asking for a serial number and this is the reply I received.

It is our policy to not give the serial number untill we receive the payment confirmation from the buyer.The buy it now price is 2000$.

Let me now if you are interested."

Yeah right, $2,000 for a $15,000 preamp. Buyer Beware.