Sonic Frontiers Line 2SE

Hi everybody I am now using the following in my system;anthem amp 1, anthem pre 2l, njoe tjoeb 4000 cdp and meadowlsrk shearwater hotrods. I am thinking of upgrading my pre 2l to the sf line 2se. Any thoughts? Thanks
A better upgrade would be going to a different amp-such as the Rogue 88. I replaced my amp 1 and it made a huge difference in the sound. The difference in cost with the 2se wouldn't make up for the dificiency in the amp1, a nice amp but not in the same league as the Rogue.
Thanks for the help everybody. I am also thinking of upgrading to the Cary cd303 cdp, so my journey continues.
If your still looking for a Line 2 SE. I have a Line 1 SE for sale that may do the trick. You can save some $$$.