Sonic Frontiers to Conrad Johnson .

I have a Sonic Frontiers Power 2 amp and Line 1 Pre-amp hooked to B&W 801 III. I want tube sound- warm, rich, liquid. I don't care about accuracy, I want the sound to be inviting like I remember from long ago. I don't want the stereo to drive me from the room. I changed the tubes in the Line 1 to Brimmars- it helped but did'nt go far enough for me. I also hook up the PS Power Plant 300 to the Pre-amp and while making it a little more dimensional seems to lean out the sound. The question is what brand of equiptment would you trade the SOnic Frontiers gear for to give me the warm inviting tube sound that I crave? I'm leaning towards a Conrad Johnson LS16II for a pre-amp. And perhaps replace the Power 2 later w/ a CJ amp. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I am using Line 1 with Power 2 driving ProAc Response 1SC with Cardas Golden Cross speaker cable.

I did a blind test on my friends by covering the equipments and asked them to comment on the sound. And all have the same answer "Warm sound! Typical tube sound"

So I think it is unfair to say Sonic Frontiers gears sound cold. Speaker played an important part and also speaker cable.
I have the exact same system. The Power 2/Line 1 and the ProAc 1SC's (birdseye maple). I've heard them pull a dissapearing act, but I had the same problem with them as I do w/ my big B&W's- thin sound-no warmth. I'm using 1M Straightwire Encore(red) from my CD to the Pre and 4M Rhapsody(blue) from Pre to Amp. Speaker is Serenade. The Amp is on its own stand spiked to the floor and the Pre and CD are on a Target stand spiked to the floor. I've had the system in 3 different rooms in 2 different houses. Same result. Tried placing equiptment on different supports w/ a combination of cones. I suspect that the cables are not helping and I have'nt experimented enought with them. But like 'newbee' said (above); 'tonally cold'. I hope the Conrad Johnson 16LSII that I just bought helps. I get it next week and I'll let you know the differences.
I have owned a Line3 and Power3s for several years and have owned a Premier 11A and Premier 12s during this time also. I know the SF sound very well as well as CJ. The SF power amplifiers do have the tube bite/lushness but in a different way than CJ. With SVET 6550Cs and 500+ hours of use, the midrange is quite nice and are well mated to speakers that may be tipped in the high-end. CJs premier 11As have a very nice midrange but lack the bottom end. The 12s are very punchy, dynamic, but are very extended in the highend. SF is on the cooler side of CJ for sure. For control of difficult speakers (wide impedance swings), the Power series amps can't be beaten.

With regard to preamps, the SF line series is pretty nuetral sounding but not solid state sounding. Replacing the main output 6922s with Mullard will yeild some very nice textures in the midrange if that is what you are desiring (excellent for vocals). The CJ preamps will be more warm but lack the detail that the SF line series will present. Personal perference will determine which is better.

Several folks have commented on your speakers. The B&Ws are not warm speakers at all. You can change the upstream electronics all you like but the source (What are you using by the way?) and the speakers will make the biggest difference. If you want to experiment with the preamp/amp, borrow a CJ preamp and see what you think. I'd leave the Power2 alone for now as you'll need Premier 12s or a 140 at a minimum to drive the B&Ws. Along with the preamp, I'd experiment with different sources as well.
The source in this sytem is a Goldmund $5K CDTT2 single box CD player. I have a Linn analog rig also but it is'nt hooked up untill I get this tonal balance thing fixed.
I have the CJ16LSII pre amp now and am hearing things I did'nt know existed.
However the balance of the system is too agressive and bright. Only one person mentions he used Cardas cables.
Look back through the responses.

The consensus is, your speakers need to go, and I agree. Nobody says to keep them.

As long as you stick with them you are going to get bright and agressive sound. You say you heard them to be warmer at a dealer, but a brief audition at a dealer will not reveal what you have come to find out, these speakers are bright and agressive.

Let me rephrase that in simple terms.

Your speakers are bright and agressive, they have always been bright and agressive, they will always be bright and agressive, there is nothing you can do to keep them from being bright and agressive, replace your bright and agressive speakers with some that are not bright and agressive.