Sonus Faber Sound?

Is there a distinctive sound to Sonus Faber's in general? Are they more on the bright side or dark?

Grand pianos for example.

I concur with the comments above as I own a pair of Grand Pianos. They are on the warm side of neutral which lends to their musicality on most types of music. Very hard to go wrong them.

I owned the original Electa Amators and also the Guarneri Homage. I found both speakers to have wonderful tone. I would never describe them as dark, but warm is somewhat descriptive. The Guarneri were very refined. The EA's were extremely well extended for a speaker of that size. If you like music and real instruments, you will most likely enjoy SF's.
I have Guarneris and they certainly are not dark sounding. They seem to be one of those rare speakers that sound detailed and warm at the same time.
How are the highs? Some times the soft dome tweeters can be just a bit too soothing for my taste, and not sharp enough. Is this the case with Sonus Faber in general?

The highs are excellent. They are not JM Labs or Metal Dome tweeter highs but they are detailed and sweet. Not mechanical at all.
