Sony 9000ES DVD owners, Help me Please

I heard that the sony 9000ES DVD wil play SOME cd r's. If anyone has experience with this. Wich brand will it play, how do you record them?. Many thanks. By the way, how would you compare the sound of the 9000's regular cd playing performance with cd-only players?

Page 7 on my 9000ES owner's manual indicates that the player will NOT play CD-R's although I have not tried any.

The player allows you to turn OFF the following items:
20k filter
digital out
video circuitry
front panel lights

In this configuration, with the unit on Walker Valid Points, I find the sound acceptable as a stand alone player and quite good with audiophile quality CDs and SACDs. I have not tried an outbard DAC with this unit. The 9000ES has a sold copper chassis and back panel. It also has dual clocks. In my opinion, it compares well with other stand alone players in its price range. The Accuphase DP75V is the only stand alone player I have auditioned which is clearly superior on CD playback but I'm certain, judging from the Forum, that there are others as well.
I have similiar experience with my player NOT playing cd-r's oh well it does everything else sooooo good for the $$$ can't nit-pick about little details.
It's not suppose to play cd'rs but as tim says, it does eveything else so good. You have just got to buy this player, it's got to be the best bang for the buck out there. And of course it looks so cooooool and you would also have the best looking one out there. Knowing sony they might have some upgrade in the future or something. You can't go wrong with this unit, look at the reviews in the march/april issue of the Perfect Vision . The marks on the comparison chart were the best...