Sony SCD-1 vs Musical Fidelity Tri Vista

Can anyone compare these two players? I already own the Tri Vista and am very happy with it but, I keep wondering if the Sony offers something more. I do listen to SACD quite a bit.
I base my overall convictions about the SCD-1's potential on my own experience adapting RAM mods to the SCD-1 (silver transformer passive output stage & Audiocom Invisus voltage regulators & Superclock 3) & adding various other tweaks including full battery operation. This modified SCD-1 is several orders of magnitude above the stock deck & betters my vinyl rig (VPI TNT/Graham/Lyra Helikon/BAT VKP10). My thoughts on the Modwright and VSEI are echoed by various reviewers, particularly in the current issue of Absolute Sound. A Modwright 777ES is the preferred digital source in the cost-no-object Magico horn system profiled by Robert Harley.

I have the Tri Vista and it has exactly the same hesitation that you experience.
I am a previous owner of Tri Vista and have encountered much more serious problem of disc reading problem. The dealer in my area who repaired my unit related that the motor requires different speeding in reading CD versus SACD and the unit apparantely has some problem in accomodating the variance. The unit did work very well after the repair but still I eventually sold my unit for sonic reasons.

I am inclined to think that the problem may not be an isolated incidence as the technican that did the repair for my unit told me that my unit was not the first that he repaired for the same kind of problem. A reviewer of hi end magazine also mentioned in one of his article that he encountered similar problem with his own Tri-vista. So consider yourself lucky if you are only having CD drawer hesitation issue.

Both are good SACD player but as a cd-player they are very average. Then you will miss a lot compared to many normal cd players.