Sony Xa5400 ES vs Cary CD 500 demo

Close enough in price to consider either.
Match with Cary SLI-80 F1 and Merlin VSM speakers.
Both well reviewed for their classes.
Does the Cary really exceed the Sony?
It had been written up as the best solid state up to $5-6000.
I would do the 5400 and look to modwright to get the most out of the unit.
To Bigshutterbug, looks like you like the Sony. Would you know how the Sony compares to Cambridge 840C??? Does Sony only make the XA5400ES in black, never saw a silver one yet on AG.
Hey Crwindy how is the Cary doing?

Modwrights web-site pertaining to the Sony Player.

I have a highly modded Sony SCD-1 and it is a great player very comparable to the Audio Research Reference CD-7 on Redbook CD and exceeded the AR player on SACD; the AR reference CD-7 could not play SACD.

Sunnyjim, I owned the Cambridge and replaced it with the Sony 5400. The sony was much better in my system on RB, and of course also has the ability to play SACD. After owning the Sony for a year I had the ModWright mods done. The modded Sony is just wonderful.