Sony XA5400ES DAC Chip

Does anyone know which DAC chip (e.g., BB, Wolfson, etc.) this new CDP uses for RBCD and SACD? Can't find it in literature and seems to be a big mystery. Also, how is jitter reduction handled?

Ordered one of these almost on a lark after reading rave reviews. Find it hard to believe any component this inexpensive (paid ca. $1150 including shipping and insurance, with full Sony mfrs waranty) can be nearly as good as some of the reviews/comments say it is -- or can hold a candle to my modded CEC TL-1X/Dodson 218 with latest software upgrade combo, but I would love to be proven wrong. And if it is even close it would be quite an accomplishment.


Ag insider logo xs@2xnglazer
RWV... one experience is not always that of another.

I pray your exp is without issue.

My statements above indicate my own exp with AHT and my buying exp from major manufactuers as a former buyer for a multi store retail chain.

I perhaps do listen less now than in the past... maybe a couple nights per week to pure 2 ch. Maybe one night a week or less on the main HT rig using the projector. Now all is via a server and HDD based music. The BDP 83 only does DVDs when I'm entertaining. When I had a Sony CDP, 2-3 hrs per day was the maximum I'd use mine. Usually it would be much less... around 6-10 hrs per week.... not inclusive of any static warming up periods.

6 hrs per week x 52 = 312 per yr.

there are 168 hrs in one week. My one year use of my old Sony 777 equates to less time than two weeks constant running/burning in.... and I've read a few notes saying additional time is necessary for the 5400 to setttle in fully.

Nothing wrong with that at all... just placing the time frame for burn in into another perspective. It is what it is and there's no getting around the need for it either.... especially when one considers the motor & laser (s) assembly is a comsumable non forever item.

It is refreshing to hear all the positive accounts for this latest offering's performance at virtually half the price of Sony's former (777) unit though, for those who still require a RB/SACD single box option.

Good luck
In my case 95% of the break in happened in the first 48 hours. After a couple of days the sound was liquid, smooth and satisfying. As far as the warranty, I have never had any problem with any Sony products, and I've owned many. The build quality of XA5400ES is much higher than the average. I imagine vast majority of the owners won't need any warranty service in their life time. Don't worry too much about the warranty that you may never need.


Sony does make very durable goods. Long lasting and trouble free.... mostly. Selling them I never had an out of the box failure provided there was no evidence of shipping damages.

In 10 years of owning an ES line HT reciever, I had to replace the main chip @ $125, and I replaced a motor + double laser assemb, on a SCD xa777es after six years or so @ $300.

I did manage to break a DVD/VCR combo unit once. I had to both drop it 3-4ft. off a shelf onto the carpeted floor, and kick the open DVD tray, snapping off the tray cover plate.... and it still worked on the VCR side. Only after spilling a soda on the remote and disabling some of the buttons did I finally stop using it. It's only manual op now.

My 61 in. RP still works fine and it's 8 years old. Same thing for my 400 CDP mega box at about the same age. Although neither gets daily use, both work fine when needed.

The only gripe I have if it is justifiable would be the local Sony consumer center will only service those Sony items they sell. Buy the exact same model they sell, elsewhere and they'll turn you away flat, if ANY service is required. An 'authorized' service center is then required, but in my area there is one of those too, a bit further away.

Consequently, Sony items remain attractive to me if some need arises and both the budget and fit are in line.
I would be extremely cautious dealing with American Theater. There are lots of negative posts on AA about them. As far as know, they are not authorized dealers for some of the electronics they sell, including Marantz.