Speaker Break-in

After living with a pair of N805's for years, I've plunged into a new pair of monitors (Focus Audio 688) and find myself feeling a bit adrift. It's clear right off the bat, the replacements are more refined and better integrated over the frequency spectrum they operate within. And while they're a mite closed, I trust that shall pass with break-in.

The only thing that worries me is the lower end is *totally* missing. Just gone. So I'd like to know if this is something that emerges as the speaker breaks in, or if it left when the 805's went out the door?

And what's the best way to break in a pair of speakers?

Thanks for the thoughts,

I have owned two pair of the fs688, Let them run 24/7 if possible and I assure you in a week or so they will best the bass from your 805...My friend owns a pair of 805 and in an a/b comparison the 688 had a deeper more "full" bass presentation..good luck and enjoy...they only get better, trust me

Just wondering how the fs688 are sounding now...
what are your impressions