Speaker Cable for Tube SET System?

I would like some (tried and true) recommendations for speaker cable. My concern other than overall sound is bass control (damping and what effects it, if this is a part of the wire puzzle). The system is: Audion Silver Night 300B stereo version (7.5 watts), Reynaud Twin speakers, CAL Icon MKII with Bel Canto DAC, Mapleshade Digital IC, Homegrown Super Silver analog IC, BMI Whale PC's and two Monster HTS2000 power conditioners. The only two cables that I am considering at this time are: the Mapleshade Single or Double Helix and Analysis Plus Oval 12. I can get by with 10 ft runs, but would prefer to have 12 footers to cover any future reconfigurations (or to use them in a second system as time goes by) and would like to keep the cost at $300 and under. I am currently using Kimber 4VS and would like a more natural sound than they seem to offer in this setup, plus bass control as mentioned before. I will probably only audition two to three cables at the most and or buy and then sell used if I hear no improvement. Thanks.
Hi Dekay. Try the Coincident cables (new top of the line is TRS- Total Reference System). If you e-mail me, I will send you the e-mail of a current owner who is raving about them, and he's an Audiogon regular as well.
Sutts: Thanks, but they are about a grand over budget if I remember correctly.
for your system i think best choice could be a xlo signature,reference or limited edition but very difficult to burn in
Hi Dekay, I use SET amps in my system. The original Coincident speaker cable worked very well with the Cary 805s and the Viva Sentesi. I have seen a pair of 10 footers go for $250. The bass is tight and extended with good sparkle in the treble. Good mid-range energy with a mid hall presentation.
Dekay, I can vouch for the great sound possessed by the Coincident speaker cables. I am in 100% agreement with Brulee. These cables do NOTHING wrong. So far, they are the best speaker cables I have had in my system(Apature Accu-Flow, AudioQuest Indigo/Midnight/Type 6, Axon 8, Coincident CST, Kimber 8TC, Stealth Silver FineLine Ribbon, Tara RSC). I would also suggest that you give the HomeGrown Audio Silver Lace speaker cables a try. They are on my list of things to try in the future. Very reasonable for silver cables. If they are anywhere near as good as the Silver Lace interconnects, they are an absolute steal. The Silver Lace interconnects seems to match perfectly in my tube based system. They come with a 30 day home trial. Another recommendation I have is the Silver Audio Symphony 48, but they are a bit expensive. Silky smooth, yet powerful and detailed sound.