Speaker Cable Recommendation

I have the Krell KAV-500 amp and Dynaudio Contour 3.0 speakers. I'd be interested in hearing anybody's opinion on an excellent 3-figure (new or used) set of cables to connect them. I listen to mostly rock/pop, with a fair amount of Jazz thrown in. Also, the next upgrade is going to be for a beefier two-channel Krell amp if that figures into any recommendation somebody might have.
Either seek out what I've posted in other threads, or better yet, just try it yourself. Your own thoughts on it are all that matter anyway. It might work in your system, but I didn't like its murky distorted-ness and laid back-ness, when compared to many, many other cables in my system. I don't care if everyone else on the planet literally gets a buzz on, just from listening to this cable!........I still heard what I heard. I will also say that the Powersankes Black Mamba cord on my Krell amp brought out the WORST in this Oval 9, and the Synergistic Reference cord brought out the best, but not nearly enough to make the Oval 9 the equal or the better of all the other cables. (So far I do like the Synergisitic over the BM). The thing to note here is that several of the very ones that beat the Oval 9, costed less than it, like the Kimber 8TC, and the MIT Terminator 2. And I'm not talking "added euphony", either, I'm talking accuracy and musicality......................My philosophy is, I want to hear what's on the recording, and that is the highest someone can aspire to with a music system. The others got me much closer, than did the Oval nine. If you think you might need a laid back, soothing and fuzzy speaker cable with pretty adequate dyanmics and bass, then you should definitely try it. It likely would be the perfect match for an overly aggressive system.
"Carl-eber" Thank you for your candid response. It's much appreciated. Because I need such a long run (24ft), it's to costly to try every cable out there(cableguys only give credit not money back on long runs because they consider them specials). Naturaly I realise & agree my ears are the final judge of what goes in my system. However, I feel asking real users their opinions to be the most helpful & accurate informatiom as a starting point. I refuse to rely on those inflated, inaccurate, contraditing, nonsensicle reviews that you read in magazines like Stereophile by boneheads such as Jonathan Scull. By the way, what do you think of bi-wiring as opposed to a single run? I've found that a single run actually sounds better. It offers more resolution & detail, but does sacrifce just a tad of bass. In addition, have you tried the A.Q. midnight III? If so,what is your opinion?
Feel free to correct me if I am wrong anyone, but I would say that for a 24' run, you should be looking at a network cable of some sort (MIT or Transparent) since it should be less prone to distance effects (Interference primarily). If I were looking at runs that long though, I would be thinking about monoblocks real quick. A 24' balanced interconnect is going to stand up to that distance a lot better than any sort of speaker cable.
Feel free to correct me if I am wrong anyone, but I would say that for a 24' run, you should be looking at a network cable of some sort (MIT or Transparent) since it should be less prone to distance effects (Interference primarily). If I were looking at runs that long though, I would be thinking about monoblocks real quick. A 24' balanced interconnect is going to stand up to that distance a lot better than any sort of speaker cable.
I haven't tried the Midnight, but own Dragon Plus. My guess is that Midinight may be similar with regard to transparency, and perhaps more aggressive with attack transients, than was the Oval 9. It's only a guess............A run that long will always be a compromise in my 'pinion, and it will be difficult to try different cables of that length, as you say. I would try doing it a different way, in another room, if possible. I believe that there can be advantages to biwiring, and that it's necessary if your speakers have bi-wire connection. If you don't believe in biwiring, you need to get speakers with single-wire connection.