Speaker Cables - 15 Ft. or "No Wife"

Due to the W.I.F.E. factor, I have to run my Manley 300Bs with 15ft speaker cable to my Coincident Super Eclipse speakers (the things we do to stay together). So, I am looking for a good speaker cable that: A) Will sound great at this 15ft length and B) Will not cost me more than $1000. I have to biwire, so please keep this in mind when making recommendations. And a D.I.V.O.R.C.E. is not an option... yet!
I use Audioquest for long runs. I've found solid core technology helps whenever I have to go with a smaller gage wire. I use a 10 ft run of Bedrock in the home theater. Very nice. Also, whatever wire you get, keep it out of site. She'll love you even more. :)
If your wife does business as Angela100 on agon, cut your losses and let her "know everything "liberal bigmouth ass go. Call priceline.com and get her a ticket to Siberia, with no web access.
I can see vote totals at the end of Argent's post and I have never voted. What's up?