Speaker Fetish

I don't know if I am alone or not but I like speakers. I have a pair and am not looking to replace them but I find myself drawn to looking into new speakers all of the time. I don't know if I should go to a shrink or is this normal? Any coments? DO I NEED HELP?????
You guys all know how it is ;just after reading a great review;you imagination starts cooking. Well, one of the comercials on site, gave me an idea. Forget about Ms. Rtnw/ or sheepish "Shirley".....(yes she has a name already) Tireguy;you ever had a "crash test dummy" modified?? Seems like they would expect it "rough". You know; I used to have some (limited)semblance of normality till started hanging with you guys.
There all yours and I appreciate your concern for my mental imbalance Avguy. I have been trying to do something but nothing seems to work, I have been joking about the dolls but maybe it would be a solution if you have any send them to me maybe it could help, ah never mind I'll just buy another set of speakers.....That is my answer to everything, at least it is not crack, though it would probably be cheaper and I would get no less respect then I do now. Any suggestions for speakers or shrinks or better yet a shrink with a good sound system. nOw i'M rEalLy exCitEd tHerE is nO eNd tO tHis prEdicAmeNt soRrY aBoUt tHe tyPinG bUt mY viSiOn haS gOnE bLurRY.......i gOtTA GoooOOo
Well avguy you are a true gentlemen. So if you won't kiss and tell. What are you buying next. On a serious note, if we can find one. It seems you are pleased with your current system. What is it? And don't tell me Bose. With a name like avguygeorge, you must have some good empty boxes laying around. So let the cat out of the bag, what ya got.
I myself am a Martin Logan guy, thou I shouldn't be cause there customer service sucks. But I love the sound, what's a guy to do.

To back thread a bit. The reason I let my better half feel like she has some say in what I purchase for my ever growing system is cause this shit is expensive and at least she knows why she doesn't have a new suv in the driveway, because it's sitting in the living room. I kinda figured I'm not the only one that has that problem. So I thought I'd help my fellow audio nuts. I figure I get her into it and she feels its partial hers. So of to the store for a new component, hell its only money and I can't take it with me. Pete

PS: Glad to see you and the tireguy are coming to some kind of agreement with this damn doll shit. Get over it, I'll send the boxes(cause I have many) and I'll even pay postage.
Ok guys, you want to get serious huh?? Sorry,don't know how.I was hoping to find info on that CTD dummy modification. Some one said Sig. Freud said there is no such thing as "merely" a joke. Ok on to audio. Now we find our resident Psychologist is a worst case offender. I have boxes in 3 dif. rooms.Stacked to the celing in one. I have2 boxes that are 30 years old.Yup still have the product that came in them. According to some of, you the boxes may be worth more than what came in them.At least sutible for a home, away from home.
What cha got? Me, got Aerial 10 Ts, CJ premier 5s also a Jadis 7mk 4,CAT 3, Theta Gen5a with the 24/96 mod;Purcell upsampler, Theta data 3, VPI 4 table rb 300 arm,glider, A sansui "tuna"at least 10k in cables Synergetic-the A.S."box"their dig links ics and speaker wire.(at least 8k in cables I don't use)Power cords: k.cobra,top gunn,2 sy research ref ones,Aural symphonics(2).(and more)

The "vid" part of avguy: Pioneer elite rr projection 60 incher. Pioneer elite dv09, Citiation 7.0 combined with MSB's 2x something that has a 24 pin cable into the 7.0 2,1k vcrs, and a 2k vcr(jvc 8000) A Chang 1,000,and a Custom Power block Also a Music Ref 9 Mk2, a Moscode 600 Aerial cent and surrounds, A Sony modified satt. receiver,that has a coax out. Oh yeh,there's more but it's small stuff and all must be bored to tears.
You go alot of extra stuff, you need to hook Jayboard up. And if your giving out x-mas presents early, you can throw me anything you don't want. Prefer amp and x-over for the 2 subs I want to add for music.

PS: Looks like you've look out the window quite a few times
waiting for the UPS........