Speaker Fetish

I don't know if I am alone or not but I like speakers. I have a pair and am not looking to replace them but I find myself drawn to looking into new speakers all of the time. I don't know if I should go to a shrink or is this normal? Any coments? DO I NEED HELP?????
Ok, fess up! Who’s got “spares” around, just in case.
You know.....
Just in case, you need to see the “A team” in for repairs/upgrades, you’ll need SOMETHING to listen to....
Just in case, you need a spare part
Just in case, um....
I have got Dunlavy-III's for the future bedroom system and just in case...., something goes wrong with my downstair 2ch/5.1 channel rig made up of Dunlavy -V's ,II's and a I.Plus I have my old Cerwin-Vega AT-15 in the garage. The plan was, er is, to have garage band with my daughter, and use the AT-15 for bass guitar. Any day now. You should see my car stereo. In total some 20 speakers in there.
It must be kinda like penis envy. If my nieghbor has a big pair, I gotta have bigger ones!
I'm suffering the same affliction of speaker fetish . . . . I always thought it was because skeakers affect a system's sound more than anything.
Flip your neighbor has a pair of penis's, well I guess that is something to be jealous of....