Speaker for Threshold amp and preamp

I have a Threshold T400 power amplifier and T3 preamplifier. I am interested in hearing your opinions on these, and looking for speakers suitable for this system. Thanks for you help.
My room is about 6m x 3m. I listen to all kinds of music - jazz, classical, rock. The volume I listen to depends on my mood and on the type of music I am hearing. I am willing to spend all the time in the world for proper set up. As for preferences, I don't have too much experience, but I have heard Vienna Acoustics Beethoven speakers, and Plenius, Wilson, Montana, and I find it hard to decide because each one has something different that makes it special. I have Krix speakers at home. I am looking for second hand in good condition. My budget is $4000 - $5000 but I'm flexible if I can find a good deal.
I would look at electrostats from innersound or martin logan.Eminent Technology is also a good choice.
I would look at magnapan 1.6 or 3.6 speakers or soundlab electrostats if you want to go the dipolar planar route. Otherwise you might want to take a look at Hyperion speakers (great reviews). I don't know what the future of innersound will be without its founder, who I believe left the company, so while their speakers (& electronics) were superb future service etc may be a problem. I always thought that the innersound electrostats and the soundlab electrostats out performed martin logan's offerings but that is just my particular preference as ML still makes very fine speakers and is a company that should be around for some time.
Well, you've heard some good speakers that you can't be sure that you would like. Whether you like speakers a depends largly on how they integrate with your room and the electronics you use to drive them. So my question, rhetorical if you like, is underwhat circumstances did you hear and not like those speakers you referred to? Personally I'm fond of the Tyler Acoustics Linbrook Systems one piece full range system (lots of post here on Tyler speakers), Spendor 100's, and Paragon Jubilee/Jems (which are very hard to find). I think the Tylers have the best quality/price ratio and for a large speaker are easy to set up in a medium sized room.