Speaker Ideas upto $2500

I've finally decided to jump into the audiophile areana after lurking here for a while and I was looking for speakers that would go well with an integrated amp like the bel canto s300iu. I'm willing to buy used gear as it would save me a significant chunk. So I was looking at Zu Druids but I've seen quite a number of comments implying that I can do better for the price these days, so I am looking for suggestions. I listen to a wide variety of music (a little of everything except country) so I don't want to get a speaker that excels in only just one genre. I'm not going to comment on the room dimensions/properties because I expect to be moving by next year. Oh and I would like subwoofer recommendations for the speakers that people suggest if that's possible.
It does give the OP a short list out of the hundreds (thousands?) of $2500 possibilities. The responses are the most helpful when accompanied by a description of the speaker's strengths and defining characteristics, such as optimum room size, typical room interaction, radiating pattern, sensitivity, tonal balance, dynamics, etc. --and whether the speaker presents an easy or tough load, sounds particularly good/bad with tubes or class D, etc.

I understand your points, and I did not mean to come off as negative or dismissive. But I sure that you will agree that of all the collective parts involved an audio system, speakers are the hardest to blindly recommend and make any assumptions regarding how they will actually sound to the individual audiophile.

Unlike (or more than) other components, speakers are "alive" in the sense that they interact with the room, the other gear, the music and the listener. I can understand and appreciate that Hapaknack is looking for suggestions, but in my opinion there are simply too many variables in the slection process for a speaker to allow any of us to provide the guy with any really useful information that will provide an accurate idea how any of our recommendations will actualy sound in his environment.

And if we can't do that, what's the point? It seems to me that, if we are providing a random sampling of opinion, any starting point is as good as any other. The guy might as well pick up a copy of Audio Advisor or look on stereophile.com.
... in my opinion there are simply too many variables
in the slection process for a speaker to allow any of us to provide the guy
with any really useful information that will provide an accurate idea how any
of our recommendations will actualy sound in his environment.

Br3098 (Answers)

Almarg had the best response to your comment.

By your logic, it seems to me that there would be little
reason for a forum such as this to exist.

-- Al
Almarg (Answers)

Br3098, if you don't believe this thread serves a useful purpose, then perhaps
you'd be better off not participating. Thus far, you've only shared the opinion
that the responses are of no value. Where's the help to the OP in that?
"Hey, pal, these guys don't know squat. Find something on your

If that's the kind of discouraging reply I received when I first started asking
questions here, I'd have never assembled a system.

I understand your point of view, but I think your attitude toward those here
who are trying to be helpful could be improved.
Referee time! Ok so lets clear up a couple things. I do not have the amp or the speakers chosen yet. I merely indicated an example of an integrated amp because that is what I intend to mate to the speakers regardless of speaker choice, to keep my amp budget in line. I started with the druids because of the 6moons review and the positive reviews on this site.

Have I listened to them in person, no. I was hoping to get a couple of points of reference to start my actual listening test with from this post.

Am I looking for a sub? Only if the speaker suggested clearly sound like its missing that last octave.

The point about room dimensions is good because that helps me know what rooms the speakers recommended will perform well in and vice versa. I haven't given the room dimensions because I will be moving in a couple of months so I don't want to shoot myself in the foot, but needless to say they will probably be in a small to medium room. Right now I am in a small loft, with hardwood floors and 20 ft ceilings. However, this will all change...

Another critical point is that I don't live near any places where I can easily audition. I have to drive quite a while to get to the nearest audiophile store.....so I am trying to plan this out as best as I can. Does this long winded post clarify anything?
Does this long winded post clarify anything?


You are starting from ground zero.

You have a budget of $2500.

You want a full range sound (based on your comment about wanting a sub
recommendation if needed), but not necessarily a full range speaker.

Do you want a speaker that will limit the type of amplifier you use with it? In
other words, do you want the flexibility to be able to experiment with a tube
amp later on? If so, you need to look for high sensitivity/8+ ohm/flat
impedance curve (minimum impedance of 6 ohms) speaker. If you don't
intend to ever try a tube amp, then your possibilities increase.

I would strongly suggest buying used speakers that can be resold, or buying
speakers that can be auditioned in your home and returned if you don't like
them. Some companies that offer this are: Zu Audio, Audiokinesis, Tyler
Acoustics, Daedalus. You might have to up your budget for new speakers, but
it could be worthwhile.

Otherwise, if you choose to buy used, then you'll have to do some serious
homework, make an educated decision, and then gird your loins and take a

You can take comfort in knowing that if you're anything like majority of folks
on Audiogon, this purchase will be just the beginning of your journey, and
whatever you buy will be replaced within a couple of years (or sooner).
