Speaker Ideas upto $2500

I've finally decided to jump into the audiophile areana after lurking here for a while and I was looking for speakers that would go well with an integrated amp like the bel canto s300iu. I'm willing to buy used gear as it would save me a significant chunk. So I was looking at Zu Druids but I've seen quite a number of comments implying that I can do better for the price these days, so I am looking for suggestions. I listen to a wide variety of music (a little of everything except country) so I don't want to get a speaker that excels in only just one genre. I'm not going to comment on the room dimensions/properties because I expect to be moving by next year. Oh and I would like subwoofer recommendations for the speakers that people suggest if that's possible.
Hmm... I've been looking into the options that people have presented and I'm leaning towards the acoustic zen adagios since they seem to have a soundstage that isn't too narrow and they seem to work with quite a range of amps without problems. Can anyone provide any insight into these?

I thought about the magnepans and martin logans but I think I may avoid these at the moment due to the size, space and amp requirements.

Someone had asked about whether or not I wanted to go down the tube amp path. My answer to that is that while I believe tubes will provide a great sound, I think they eat up to much power and I am going to limit my use of them to the preamp stage with regular class D transistor for the muscle. However, if I go with the adagios that may not be an issue.... I have to do some more research
If you are not a bass fanatic and have an amp with at least 150wpc and have a decent size room and like a natural sound, Magnepan 1.6s. I used this and liked it so much that when I moved and had a bigger listening room, I upgraded to the 20.1s. If you like the sound of planars, you never want to hear box speakers ever again. I used a Martin Logan Dynamo subwoofer with it but this is not necessary. With the bigger Maggies I don't use a sub at this time yet.
You should really try the Legacy Focus 20/20 out if you can find a local seller. They are the best speaker Ive heard. No, they might not be the most acurate, detailed, etc pair of speakers. But what they can do, is produce great music like non other Ive heard. With these speakers you can pop in any cd/album/record you want, and they all sound sweet. It has no hint of muddy bass with any recordings Ive listened to(even the bad ones), and yet goes deep and plays hard. I love modern smooth jazz, and these speakers are crazy. They throw a huge wall of sound like the magnepans and Logans(Ive owned both 3.6's and ascent i's), but are easy to place and have as much power as most pro gear(crazy spl!) I just cant say enough about these speakers, Ive never heard anything in audio that excited me like these have.