Speakers for a small room

I am looking to build a list. What would you say are the best speakers for a small room? Why? Price is up to 6.5k new or used. Room is 11ft x 16ft with 7ft10 ceilings. Thanks! 

Related info: amp is pass labs xa30.8. 
Pro-Ac has some nice models.

But if you are after a speaker best suited to a smaller room take a look at Kudos

They have down-firing bass ports - so corner related bass issues of a smaller room are minimized.

For dealers see...


Regards Steve

I agree with Tomic.
I would also ask you to consider the Vandersteen VLR bookshelf speakers. If you got a pair of subs, you would get a real treat.
I have mine coupled with a pair of HSU subs, and am really impressed.
Of course, if you can get a pair of Treo's or Quatro's, I doubt you would be disappointed. My Main setup has Treo's with a pair of 2wq subs, and is very impressive, especially for the money I paid (-I bought everything used).
So, in a nutshell. If you want something to listen to non-critically, I would get the VLR's, but if you want something killer, go for the Treo/Quatro's

I have listened to the the ProAc at Audioconnection, and I liked them, too.
Different from Vandy, but nice, very nice. I don't think you would be sorry with either brand. But, there is something that Vandersteen does that makes me forget about the other manufacturers.
If possible, go to as many dealers as you can, before you decide.

ATC has to be mentioned in all speaker recommendation threads :-). For that kind of money you can find a used SCM50 passive. The smaller passive SCM12 (pro-speaker) is a giant killer for much lesser money. Then you have money left for a professional room calibration system.
I have a room with similar dimensions.

 I like my Fritz Carerras .  They sound big without taking up much room.