Speakers that sing

I am now looking to upgrade my speakers to something that I consider "special" I have a Bryston 4B-ST amp, BP-25 preamp, Meridian 508.24 CD player and other assorted stuff and want to get some speakers that are great for vocalists and older jazz. I was looking at the B & W 800 used. After reading many strings, I am reconsidering. Please give me your thoughts on speakers in the 5-10K range.
I would second the Sonus Faber Cremona and Verity Audio Fidelio recommndations. Both are excellent designs with the Cremona having an edge in terms of dynamics and the Fidelios being unsurpassed with vocals due to their elecrostatic-like midrange and sweet but extended treble.
Don't let the threads prevent you from listening to the Nautilus, it's a fantastic speaker. Listen to a variety of speakers with your ears, not others opinions, and then decide what sings to you.
Good recommendations above. For vocals and acoustic jazz I would look for a pair of Spendor SP-100s (if you have the space for them). New, with stands, they will still run toward the low end of your budget.

I've heard SP-100s paired with a Bryston amp and the combo was great.
Silverline Sonata MK.lll. I just got them as an upgrade to the Sonata MK.ll and they are stunning. they now incorporate the Dnya Esotech tweeter, midrange and wolfer drivers. They are more transparent and smoother in the upper range and deeper and richer in the bottom while retaining their glorious midrange. I don't know of a speaker that is better from top to bottom in their price range including the one's mentioned above.
SEAS Thor. This is an incredibly clean MTM design that is an excellent deal. Check out www.madisound.com under the kit section. One evening with a screwdriver and you will have a speaker that is easily outperforms many speakers in the $5-10,000 per pair range. Don't be afraid to spend less than you had planned!