Speakers to replace Martin logan Prodigys

I had to sell my Prodigy's because I had no room to set them up they the way the needed to be.
I am looking for something in the 5000.00 to 7000.00 range that are room friendly for a small to medium room.
Small floorstanders or monitors supplemented with a sub is what I'd suggest for your room size.

With your Wolcott amps, the choices are really wide open.
If you like the "immediate" sound and holographic imaging of MLs then I would suggest that you check out the NHT Xd system.

I'd also second the suggestion above for the Dynaudio C1.

Are you using any treatments in your new room?
I cant run a sub.I run the Wadia direct.
I dont use a preamp and the 581 is the basic no digital out.
In smaller rooms, or where one must place the speaker close to a rear wall or a corner, I would recommend the Gradient Revolution. A great speaker designed specifically for such situations. They will give you some of that openness and clarity that you, as an owner of electrostatics, would appreciate a lot.
You can run a sub using a pair of Speaker Level Converters available from ACI. You connect the positive and negative leads of the converters to the speaker taps on your Wolcotts, and then you connect the RCA ends of the converters to the line level inputs of the subwoofer. Volume is controlled from your Wadia just like normal.

Depending on the distance of the sub from your amps, you will also need appropriate length RCA interconnects (you don't need expensive ICs for the sub), and female RCA>RCA connectors. All these are available from ACI.