speakers/turntable for Marantz 2325

Hello - longtime lurker and first-time poster. I apologize for adding to the "what should I get" posts, but everyone here seems knowledgeable. After doing a bunch of research, everything sounds kind of intimidating to me.

My dad had a 2325 receiver in the basement that I just had restored and I'm looking to build a stereo system around it (gotta start somewhere).

I listen to everything under the sun and have a large vinyl collection ranging from old caribbean and cuban music to jazz, "indie rock" (such as arcade fire, the national, etc.), old folk and blues...the list goes on.

Anyway, I have a budget of around $3,000. Here's what I'm looking at:

Turntable: VPI Scoutmaster, Rega P5, or Linn LP12. The search has been kind of intimidating. I want something I can set up, not have to mess with often and get a lot of mileage out of (Leaning against the Linn for that reason).

I like the VPI stuff, but is it to "neutral" running through that old tuner?

Would a Scoutmaster or Rega not match the phono output of the Marantz Receiver? I would rather buy used and get more than new and get less...

Speakers: I need bookshelf monitors due to space restrictions. They don't have to be loud, they just have to sound good. Looking at the Epos ELS, Epos M12, Old Advent and AR speakers. I like the look of the vintage speakers, but I'm more concerned with sound.

CD player: for now, I'm going to use the aux function and a portable player and get something serious next year. Right now, just want the turntable and the speakers.

Any thoughts? I have a feeling, as does my girlfriend, that the insanity...the upgrades...the tinkering has begun!

Thanks for your patience and help.

And welcome to our world! If I were in your shoes, I think I would re-order my priorities a little bit. If you have $3k to spend, you might want to consider this arrangement:

1) Get a good turntable and cartridge, but not a VPI. There is a Denon DP45 for sale here for $175 that will give you everything you need to build a very good system.


2) Mate this up to a good cartridge, one of the Denon moving coils will work quite well with that turntable and tonearm. This Zu Audio Dl-103 goes for $325:

3) Get a nice moving coil phono preamp to match the cartridge. There are any number of fine MC phono preamps available for right around $300-500.

4) Get some great speakers. Expect to spend about $1500. Buy used, you'll get much better value and sound for your dollar. I know you asked for stand-mounted speakers, but if you have the room for stands, you also have the room for tall, narrow floor-standing speakers. Taks a good look at these KEF Reference 107s - originally $5000, get them here for $1200. KEF speakers are world renowned for being VERY smooth; having incredible, pinpoint imaging; and these look terrific. Additionally, they're only 13" wide x 17" deep:

5) Splurge just a little bit and buy a decent CD player. Oppo makes several very fine units for right around $225. Or you can buy used for right around $150. Look at the DV-980 or DV-981. Alternatively, a used Denon 3910 would also be an excellent unit.

Denon 3910 ($400 incl. shipping):

Oppo 980 ($140 + shipping)

Approx. $3100 if you get the Denon 3910, $2850 with the Oppo. Throw in another $200 for cables and you're good to go!

Hi, me again [smile]! I would be remiss if I didn't throw in a plug for my current speakers, Gallo Reference 3.1. These have a very small footprint (less than many stand-mounted speakers) and will generally out-perform any stand-mounted speaker at anywhere near its price range, approx. $3k new. At used prices, it's no contest.

There are 5 pairs available here on Audiogon for $1800 or less, and 2 of those pair are $1400 and $1375. You could build a *mighty* fine system around those speakers and still be within your budget.

Do some research on these speakers, I think you'll be suitably impressed. And yes, they can be driven to satisfaction by the Marantz. Additionally, once you're ready to step up to higher-quality amplification, the Gallos will reward you handsomely...

Thanks for the response and the welcome. Actually, I need bookshelf speakers because of space restrictions. I haven't heard of the Denon stuff. I'm going to do some research on it.

Would a phono pre-amp running through the built in Marantz phono pre-amp cancel out the impact of a good, dedicated phono pre-amp? Sorry if I'm showing my ignorance here...