Speakers used under 1K

I'm looking for some new speakers for my living room system. I've always liked PSB Stratus Silvers or Golds. My current amplification is a Marantz reciever but I'm probably going to add a solid state amp(at least 150 watts). Any other recommendations???
Ag insider logo xs@2xkrelldog
Look at Magnepan. You will need the amp though, because Marantz receivers don't have the current to drive them.
Vandersteen 2C or 2CE and you won't likely find better in that price range. Maggies are a good alternative. Two speakers of different character however.
I'd look for a clean, used pair of KEF 104/2's w/KUBE. The Goldi's and 2CE's would be on my list as well. I'm looking for a nice pair of 1993-94ish 104/2's myself actually.