Speakers with Lamm ML2.1

Hi everyone,

I recently got a pair of Lamm ML2.1 SET monoblock. I would like to get recommendations on speakers to match with this amp.

I have the Audio Research Reference 3 and Reference CD7. I have a well treated, dedicated listening room size 15x11x8.

Please feel free to make recommendations.

One of the Smaller Kharmas ( 3.2 etc...) would be assume in you small room.....Lamm and Kharma work very well together.
Great amps. Pretty wide swath of choices- everything from Marten Design to the big Tanoy’s.

Budget, room size, and a description of sonic preferences would help.
My budget is around $30k.

I like vocal, sax, violin, viola, flute, piano, guitar, etc. I like Norah Jones. I don't care for hard hitting music. The fact that I have the ARC Reference 3 and CD7 hints the characteristics that I prefer.

Along with speakers recommendation, please suggest which wall should the speakers be facing, the 11 or 15 ft wall.

Avalon Eidolon Diamond (Used)
Avalon Time (Used)
Magico V3
Magico Mini ll w/ Sub
Marten Bird

I'm a percussion snob but I do like my speakers to have that additional 3D sound for acoustical instruments.

Place the speakers on the larger wall for larger soundstage.
Personally, I would look at Avantgardes new line up. I would also put Verity on the list.